Eliza Tello Meet Eliza Tello BSN, RN
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Edith Anderson Membership Subsidy recipient sees nursing as a journey

Eliza Tello, BSN, RN, is a member of Sigma’s Chi Beta Chapter and also a 2020 recipient of the Edith Anderson Membership Subsidy. She graduated with her BSN from West Coast University.

“When I received a letter of recognition from my school and my eligibility letter to join, I felt so excited and I couldn’t believe all my hard work was recognized. I have never felt more valued in my life and appreciated.”

Eliza’s journey to becoming a nurse began when her dad was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in February 2014. His death that November further propelled her to pursue a nursing career. She started at a community college in Glendale, California. After she completed her science prerequisites, she eventually began her BSN studies at West Coast University. In October 2019, she became the first person in her family to receive a college degree. Then, in March 2020, she began her master’s program in nursing.

Without the Edith Anderson Membership Subsidy, Eliza would not have been able to join Sigma at that time. She said it would have been a missed opportunity. But with the subsidy she says she can now proudly display her membership on her resume and across social media profiles. The Sigma resource she uses the most is the job board to see who is looking for jobs and who is hiring. Recently, she received her first nursing job offer and believes that her Sigma membership helped her stand out as a top candidate.

“A goal in my nursing career is to be committed to improve patient education. Truthfully, I don’t know what my dream nursing job is. I feel like becoming a nurse is a journey and I need to take in each day with enthusiasm and learn from my teachers, mentors, and colleagues. I have surrounded myself with many inspirational role models who inspire me to reach high and I can’t wait to make a difference in people’s lives.”

During the pandemic, it has been challenging to keep her distance from loved ones and to stay social and active. She has kept a positive outlook by saying affirmations, exercising, and spending time with her family. “I see my life taking on a new direction, because I choose to see how beautiful life really is. I am so grateful to be healthy, and I hope to be a role model to new nursing graduates one day.”

Edith Anderson Membership subsidies are made possible through donations to the Sigma Foundation for Nursing. Donate today.

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