Don’t let Gloria Chan’s youthful smile fool you. This young woman’s resume already rivals that of a seasoned professional.
She is board certified in four areas of nursing: medical-surgical, progressive care, critical care, and the subspecialty cardiac surgery. Currently employed at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, on the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit, Gloria works hard to take care of her patients following open heart surgery.
But that’s not all.
She’s also a Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist (SRNA) at Rutgers University in New Jersey, entering the final months of her program upon which she will graduate with her MSN and be eligible to sit for her boards. While at Rutgers, she founded a specialized mentorship program – work that has led to her selection to become part of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Mentoring Program at the organization’s most recent Mid-Year Assembly in Washington, D.C.
Somehow she manages to find time to serve as a youth representative to the United Nations with the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH). She has presented clinical research in Prague, Hong Kong, and Puerto Rico.
You get the idea.
Which makes it even that much more extraordinary that Gloria is such an active member of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI). Since being inducted to the Upsilon Chapter at New York University in 2008, Gloria has served on the chapter level of Upsilon as membership chair, corresponding secretary, vice president, and president. On the regional level, she served as the North America Region 14 Global Initiatives Committee Co-Chair, and now is Regional Coordinator for the same region. On the international level, Gloria was recognized and appointed to the Next Generation Leaders Task Force (NGL) during STTI Past President Hester Klopper’s term (2013-2015) and the Rising Star Advisory Panel under Past President Suzanne Prevost term (2011-2013).
Rising Star indeed!
“Often times, younger individuals are influenced by our elders in the profession, so that there is a hesitation to act and to contribute until an acceptable amount of time has passed … however, lack of experience does not equate to lack of ability, and STTI has allowed me to work to the best of my ability to promote the nursing profession and STTI,” says Gloria.
“Your membership in STTI is what you make of it; there are no limitations to what you can do and achieve with your membership in STTI.”