• Global Impact

Climate Change and Women’s Health & Well-Being: A Nursing Perspective

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United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Parallel Event Presented by The International Council of Nurses and Sigma Nursing

Women face higher risks and greater burdens to their health and well-being from the impacts of climate change. Furthermore, their ability to adapt is compromised by legal, political, technical, and financial contexts. Nurses, the majority of whom are women, are witnessing and already responding to the effects of climate change on health and well-being. This event looks at nurses’ contribution to mitigate climate change and to support women and communities around the world to adapt to its impacts. It also showcases leadership from nurses in building climate-resilient health systems that prioritize women and girls.

Note: No nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) is offered for this webinar.

  • Global Impact
